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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
02/14/21 A Daily Reminder John Hines N/A Sun PM 02-14-2021__A_Daily_Reminder.pptx 02-14-2021adailyreminder1.mp3
02/14/21 Feeling Sheepish John Hines N/A Sun AM 02-14-2021_Feeling_Sheepish.pptx 02-14-2021feelingsheepish1.mp3
02/07/21 What The Ephesians Could Have Said John Hines N/A Sun PM 02-07-2021_What_the_Ephesians_Could_have_Said.pptx 02-07-2021Theephesiansbaptisms1.mp3
02/07/21 Paul and the Romans John Hines N/A Sun AM 02-07-2021_Pauls_Greetings_to_the_Romans.pptx 02-07-2021_Paul_and_the_romans1.mp3
01/31/21 The Rubik is You Aaron Ruddick N/A Sun PM
01/31/21 An Appetite for the Sensational John Hines N/A Sun AM 01-31-2021_The_Athenian_Mindset1.mp3 01-31-2021_Athenian_Mindset.pptx
01/24/21 And the Church Grew John Hines N/A Sun AM 01-24-2021_and_the_church_grew1.mp3
01/17/21 Of Angels and Men John Hines N/A Sun PM 01-17-2021_Of_Angels_and_Men.pptx
01/17/21 From Night to Day John Hines N/A Sun AM 01-17-2021_From_Night_to_Day.pptx
01/10/21 Daniel - No Need to Change John Hines N/A Sun PM 01-10-2021_Daniel_No_Need_to_Change.pptx
01/10/21 What Everything Hinges On: The Resurrection John Hines N/A Sun AM 01-10-2021_The_Resurrection.pptx
01/03/21 Living Like a King - Darius John Hines N/A Sun PM 01-03-2021_Learning_from_Darius.jpg
01/03/21 A New Year John Hines N/A Sun AM 01-03-2021_A_New_Year_Passover.pptx
12/27/20 Doing All to the Glory of God Brace Rutledge N/A Sun AM
12/20/20 The Writing on the Wall John Hines N/A Sun PM 12-20-2020_Belshazar.pptx
12/20/20 Building Godly Marriages John Hines N/A Sun AM 12-20-2020_Building_Godly_Marriages.pptx
12/13/20 What Will It Take Nebuchadnezzar? John Hines N/A Sun PM 12-13-2020_What_Will_It_Take_Nebuchadnezzar-1607906939.pptx
12/13/20 Why Do Churches Need Shepherds? John Hines N/A Sun AM 12-13-2020_Why_Do_We_Need_Shepherds_Review_E.pptx
12/06/20 What Comes With Time John Hines N/A Sun PM
12/06/20 Living in Babylon John Hines N/A Sun AM 12-06-2020_Living_in_Babylon.pptx
11/29/20 Love, Conviction, and Masks Brace Rutledge N/A Sun PM
11/29/20 Come Out and Come To Abraham John Hines N/A Sun AM 11-15-2020_Coming_Out_Abraham.pptx
11/22/20 A Spirit of Liberty John Hines N/A Sun AM 11-22-2020_Spirit_of_Liberty.pptx 11-22-2020aspiritofliberty.mp3
11/12/20 The Parable of the Leaven John Hines N/A Daily Video
11/08/20 Why is Cursing Wrong? John Hines N/A Sun PM 11-08-2020whyiscursingwrong.mp3 11-08-2020_Why_is_Cursing_Wrong.pptx

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